ABIS Floating Fish Feed: Fuelling the Sustainable Aquaculture Revolution
Author : Anant Kumar Yadav

Fisheries are crucial to India’s nutrition and food security. It provides income and jobs for more than 28 million fish farmers across the country’s aquaculture value chain. The choice of fish feed plays a pivotal role in ensuring the health, growth, and sustainability of fish populations. With advancements in technology and research, floating fish feed has emerged as a game-changer in the industry, offering a plethora of benefits that contribute to the efficiency and viability of fish farming operations across country.

ABIS is committed to delivers much-needed innovation and efficiencies in feed inputs, which will support increased production while improving rural livelihoods through training of farmers and targeted investments in local production. Specialized micro fish feed from ABIS is a new product in the Indian market and is smaller in size than standard feed, making it suitable for more species of fish (tilapia, magur, rahu, katla, IMC, etc). It also floats on the water's surface for longer, enabling the feed to be completely consumed by the fish rather than sinking and being wasted. This also increases feed efficiency and reduces water pollution.

Unlike traditional feed types that may disintegrate in water, floating feed maintains its integrity, ensuring that fish have consistent access to nutrition throughout the feeding process. This increased retention of nutrients translates to healthier fish with faster growth rates, ultimately improving the productivity of aquaculture operations with very high FCR. The floating fish feed remain on the water's surface, making it easily accessible to fish and facilitating efficient feeding practices. Fish farmers can accurately monitor and control the amount of feed dispensed, reducing feed wastage and minimizing environmental impact. Floating fish feed minimizes the risk of water pollution compared to other feed types. Because of its floating nature, there is less likelihood of excess feed sinking to the bottom and contributing to water pollution and the release of harmful substances into aquatic ecosystems.

In an era where sustainability is paramount, floating fish feed offers several eco-friendly benefits. By optimizing nutrient utilization and reducing feed wastage, it helps improve the feed conversion ratio (FCR) and profits of farmers. ABIS has strong commitment to climate change mitigation and adaptation, improve water conservation, and the promotion of farmers’ capacity building. With state of art floating fish feed, ABIS is already leaving foot mark on sustainability. Also to uplift capacity of fish farmers, ABIS is continuously giving training in climate-smart fish farming practices and financial literacy with a motto to enhance the climate resilience fish farming practices and to address gaps faced by women farmers to aquacultural information and training.

By embracing the ABIS floating fish feed, fish farmers can optimize their operations, promote healthier fish populations, and contribute to the long-term sustainability. Improving long-term food security by strengthening food systems against the impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss is the must for sustainable future.